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Women Owned Business; 5 Tips for Success

Posted by Kimberly Ambrose on
Women Owned Business; 5 Tips for Success

 We would all dream about the idea. We would say to each other, "We are smart, we could own that." We would take walks asking questions like, "If we owned this building, what business would we put there?"

I know the term woman-owned business is such a "buzz" phrase, and the three of us sisters never entered into the world of owning our business because we wanted to be politically correct. We began our women-owned business because we were passionate about the company we started, we knew the timing was right for our families, and we knew with a lot of hard work, Sister Bees could be something that could benefit people everywhere.

Together, the three of us co-own Sister Bees. We began our adventure as three busy moms (we have 12 kids between the three of us!) and wives. We all have a passion for being entrepreneurs and all have strong, crazy-ambitious work ethics. Our company Sister Bees offers a line of all-natural skincare, lip balm, pet care, soaps, and other great products from the beehive.

Here are five tips we have to pass on to other women thinking of starting their own business:

1. Be a Learner:

We spend hours listening to podcasts, researching articles, learning on google searches, talking to people that are in our field, and just being humble enough to know we have a lot to learn. (One of our favorites is Christy Wright with Business Boutique. She's amazing!)

2. Be Gracious:

We are closer than ever and the three of us work NON stop together. We start each morning together (often via Face Time in our own homes) and connect dozens of times throughout the day. We know each other's strengths and weaknesses better than anyone. Our relationships work without offenses because we live a lifestyle of covering for each. Women, come on, "bee" nice to each other, we're so much stronger when we are.

3. Work hard

 It's not easy: I mean we work until our husbands tell us, "put down the computer, stop fulfilling orders, or get off the phone with your sister please." So as much as it is incredibly fulfilling to own your own business, don't think it's easy. It's long nights and full days, but worth every minute.

4. Have Fun:

We laugh all the time together. This summer we were all at my son's wedding together, and with a glass of wine in hand, we began role-playing some of our "inside" ways we know each other best. The conversation rolled into hard-core belly laughs at each other. Take time to not only dream big dreams but laugh until the tears roll.

5. Know your strengths.

We all have a pretty good idea of what our strengths are, and we've discovered a few undiscovered strengths in ourselves along the way. (In fact, early on we all took a personality inventory, just to all understand our own and each other's giftings.) The company works best when we all stay in our God-given areas of expertise. There are crazy times when we need "all hands on deck," and that usually means a big project needs to be accomplished. But for the most part, if we all stay well in our lane, the machine runs much smoother.

We'd love to hear more from you, so, please free to connect with us. Leave us a comment below. 


Sister Bees Women owned business  

To learn more about Business Boutique:

To learn more about Sister Bees:

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  • Kristine Dalton on

    I absolutely love your ambition and product! Amazing job ladies! I use your products on a daily basis on my hands and face. My skin loves the product as much as I do. So proud to see such beneficial products being put on the market right here in hometown Ludington!

  • Karen on

    Hi Ladies! Love hearing updates on your family business! It is so true that with GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!! Our daughter and her husband started their own business three years ago! Never ever would any of us have known they would be running a successful flower farm/bee farm/pottery studio in Door County
    WI! This hard work ethic definitely runs in the family genes!

    Your cousin, Karen (second cousin)

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