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4 Areas to Declutter in your Home

Posted by Kimberly Ambrose on
4 Areas to Declutter in your Home

Every mom starts out 2019 with great ideas and goals for the new year. 

As busy moms and business owners, I know that we can all use a little encouragement in keeping our homes organized. It's a constant battle. So here are a few simple goals, that aren't overwhelming, to encourage us all in 2019.  

Clothes Closet: 

My closet!  It can be such a crazy place of chaos.  Set aside one hour, and girl, do work!  I grab a huge garbage bag to use for giving all my unwanted clothes to my favorite resale shop.  (Yada Yada Resale) I have a rule, if I haven't worn it the previous year, don't put it back in my closet.  I feel lighter, happier, and it's so rewarding to have that job done.

Practical Tip: Before Bed: re-hang items you wore and put the rest in the hamper.

Food Pantry:

I love the feeling of tackling my food pantry in the kitchen.  And as simple as it may be,  when I buy a few new pretty, practical containers to keep my flour, sugar, pasta, etc. in, it transforms the feel of my pantry.  

Practical Tip: Take care of the spills and messes in your food pantry right when they happen.  Getting into that habit will help you keep a  tidy pantry.

Coffee Mug cupboard: 

Seriously!  What's up with all the water bottles, Yeti's, thermal containers, and the two Grinch mugs I found in my cupboard.  So, I took them all out, had the kids pick only the ones with tops that they actually use, and gave away the unwanted ones.  Whew!  That cupboard looks better.

Practical Tip:  Empty the dishwasher each morning while your brewing that first cup of coffee.  Your reward, you get coffee when your job is completed!

Family Room: 

My husband and I don't always agree on the decor in the family room.  (He's quite the minimalist.)  But we took a half hour and looked at our family room with fresh eyes. I'll have to admit, It did look better with not so much stuff.  Simple is good.  

Practical Tip: Take a minute at night and put away anything on the floor that isn't supposed to be there. 

So we encourage you, as we do each other, tackle one area of "clutter" this week.  It's amazing how snappy you'll feel.  

What are some of your decluttering tips? Do you have a system to get through the clutter? Share them with us below. Hey, we’re all in this together!! Help a sister out!

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  • Kimberly Ambrose on

    Hello Karen & Dottie! Thanks for the comments. I agree, I don’t even miss the items I cleared out either!

  • Karen Edenhofer on

    I do the same, Dottie! Each day I toss (if not in good shape), or donate 10 items around the house that we no longer use, need, etc. and donate to our church for their annual rummage sale, or local Good Will. I don’t even miss the items I cleared out!

  • Dottie Sullivan on

    I try (some days unsuccessfully) to get rid of ten items- ten magazines, pens, pencils, clothes, plastic containers! It really helps to eliminate clutter

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